Xbox Showcase 2024 Highlights

by Kev Mc

Microsoft pulled off one of the best video game showcases seen in a long time Sunday, giving us numerous game reveals as well as new trailers and game footage for many upcoming titles.

Following the big Xbox Showcase, there was a second smaller showcase dedicated entirely to Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6. You can read all about that—including all the big changes coming to the new shooter—here.

Microsoft showed off a couple dozen games during the brisk 80-minute video, which didn’t bother with live speakers or any other shenanigans, and mostly just gave us games to get hyped about. Here are some highlights:

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
This trailer is impressive. MachineGames—the studio behind the recent Wolfenstein reboot—has really gone above and beyond here, and Troy Baker’s voice work as Indiana Jones is superb. All I could think watching this was: Can we get a Han Solo game next?

DOOM: The Dark Ages
Microsoft started the showcase with DOOM: The Dark Ages and it’s easy to see why. This game looks fantastic, with a gritty Medieval vibe that’s just brilliant.

We didn’t see a ton more of the actual gameplay here, but at least we have a sense of where they’re headed with the new, long-awaited Fable. I’m curious if this will follow in past games’ footsteps and allow you to change your gender and appearance to some degree. It looks good!

Dragon Age: The Veilguard
This trailer didn’t impress much. If you went to BioWare and asked for a trailer that misses the tone of the series, this is what they’d give you. Let’s hope this is just a bad trailer and not an indication of the game to come.

This remake of the 2004 game looks terrific. It’s also nice to hear David Hayter’s voice again. I think Kiefer Sutherland did a fine job, but I’m still annoyed that Hideo Kojima replaced Hayter with a celebrity. Not cool, man.

Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6
This over-the-top, bombastic trailer for Black Ops 6 looks like a blast. Call of Duty campaigns are usually very cinematic and not too long, and I like all of that stuff. You play six or seven hours of campaign and then dive into the multiplayer.

Age Of Mythology
The classic Age Of Empires franchise gets a brand new entry with this mythologically-based Age Of Mythology. If you’re into these big civilization/army-management type games, this one should tickle your fancy. It looks phenomenal.

Gears Of War: E-Day
This is all cinematic but that’s fine. We’ll get a gameplay trailer soon enough, and we all know it’s going to be a third-person cover shooter with the mechanics we’ve come to expect from Gears Of War. It’s a prequel set 14 years before the original game, showing the events of Emergency Day with Marcus Fenix. That’s rad!

World Of Warcraft: The War Within
I’m not a WoW player but I do love their cinematic trailers. They always make me think that World of Warcraft looks fun, but then I play the game and remember that it’s just not my cup of tea.

Winter Burrow
This adorable critter game, Winter Burrow, makes me think of Redwall and Narnia and Mouse Guard and all the other critter-based games and books and cartoons I’ve loved over the years. I figured I should include at least one indie title in this list, and this one jumped out at me.

Check out the new trailers for Starfield’s really awesome looking DLC and the next chapter in Diablo IV. Perfect Dark also has a new trailer that you can watch.

What was your favorite trailer or reveal of the showcase? Watch the full showcase below!

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